Arduino Kit is the best Beginner Kit to learn and explore Arduino. It includes Arduino Nano Board and 11 additional modules and all in one-piece of PCB design. All the sensor modules have been connected to the Nano internally, so no additional wires are needed for the connections. You can build any Arduino project you like with this Kit. Also, there are manuals and video tutorials for those who are new to the field so that they can follow the instructions and can learn easily.
Kit includes
- I2C LCD: Simple I2C LCD display
- BUZZER: Piezo Buzzer
- PUSH BUTTON: Push Button for human interaction.
- DIGITAL LED: LED connected to digital pin
- ANALOG LED: LED connected to analog pin
- DHT11: Humidity and Temperature sensor
- SERVO: Servo motor
- DC MOTORS: Pair of DC motors
- SONAR: HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor
- LDR: Light Dependent Resistor
- POT: Potentiometer

Arduino kit
Technical specification
Operating voltage: 5V
Operating voltage (DC Motors): 12V
Input Voltage: 5V-12V
Input voltage (DC Motors): 12V
Dimensions: 100mm*100mm
1. Fading LED with Arduino using POT
2. Blinking LED using Arduino
3. Controlling Buzzer with Arduino
4. Controlling DC Motor with Arduino
5. Controlling Servo Motor with Arduino
6. Controlling LCD with Arduino
7. Getting DHT11 values with Arduino
8. Getting Ultrasonic values with Arduino
9. LCD with DHT11
10. Push Button with Buzzer
11. Push Button with DC motors
12. Push Button with DHT11
13. Push Button with LCD
14. Push Button with LED
15. Push Button with Servo
16. Reading Potentiometer using Arduino
17. Reading Push Buttons using Arduino
18. Ultrasonic Sensor with Buzzer
19. Ultrasonic Sensor with DC motors
20. Ultrasonic Sensor with LCD
21. Ultrasonic Sensor with LED
22. Ultrasonic Sensor with Push Button
23. DHT11 with Buzzer
24. DHT11 with DC motors
25. DHT11 with LED
26. POT with Buzzer
27. POT with DC motors
28. POT with LCD
29. POT with Servo motor
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