Paper Circuit Kits Class Room Pack


(2500 Rs for 15 kits in one pack)

A paper circuit is an interesting project for kids. It is a great way to understand the concept of electricity. suitable age group 7 + years. The great thing about paper circuits is the ability to create a circuit without the need for soldering. Make a greeting card that lights up!

Paper Circuit Kits  Class Room Pack:

A paper circuit like SparkFun Paper Circuit Kits is an interesting project for kids. It is a great way to understand the concept of electricity. A paper circuit is a low voltage circuit. Created on paper. Using Aluminum tape(1 fit), LED(3mm), and a 3V Coin Battery(CR2025). Creating a paper circuit is a very fun and easy way to understand the concept of electronics.

We have to provide two types of templates of the circuit:

  1. Parallel Circuit
  2. Simple Circuit


This kit is also included in Little Scientist STEM Kit 1.0


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