PSC DIY Robotic Kit with 6 Lessons

Weight 1 g
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 14 cm

Buy online PSC DIY Robotic Kit with 6 Lessons in Karachi Pakistan, PSC DIY Robotic is an excellent student age 12 +. Students will explore how robots follow an ordered step-by-step process and create a simple algorithm that a robot can follow to complete the desired task

  • A Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) mobile robot.
  • Microprocessor controlled.
  • Components used:
  • Arduino microcontroller.
  • Bluetooth module
  • Android mobile app.
  • ​Can be used for monitoring, rescue, spies etc.
  • It can be modified for Robo race, Robo war, Robo soccer, etc.


  • Arduino UNO
  • L298 motor driver
  • Bluetooth Module HC-05
  • Battery
  • Motors + wheel 2
  • Chassis
  • Switch
  • Charger
  • jumper wires
  • Led
  • Metal Spacer
  • Nuts and Bolts
DIY Robotic Kit

DIY Robotic Kit

When you buy this kit, you will get free access to PSC E-learning Robotic Course